{Spencer Josiah...January 23, 2011. See a few more pictures here!}
Helloooo. I won't even tell you how many, many times I've tried to log on here to give you all an update on our family {you'd be impressed, I know.} Blogger and I...have a love/hate relationship. It doesn't help either that the email address under this account is ancient {being about 10 years old...} and since this summer Blogger has only let me log on a very, very few times {remember? I tried...I really did!}, telling me that all that special info I've been using for 4+ years is now, somehow, invalid. But then sometimes {like today!} it works. Soooo...
I created a new one. A new blog. With a new-er email address. {Maybe I should have boycotted Blogger though for putting me through all that extra trouble??} So this is the last post ever on Nelson Eleven. Besides, we're not merely eleven anymore anyway...
Our new blog is nelsonthirteen.blogspot.com Fitting, right? ;D So you'll have to head there to catch any future updates!
1 comment:
Well, I guess you posted this a long time ago… I just saw your blog though, and he’s quite a cute little kid. =)
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