Tuesday, July 28, 2009

Pennsylvania Again








Monday, July 27, 2009

Savannah and Sophia at the Farm

Things we learned about the twins this weekend: They HATE dirt, and they're terrified of cats--even kittens. City girls. ;)

Our Blue-Eyed Baby

What's dirt if you can't play in it?

Josh and Suzi's giant "snow pile" last winter melted into something even more fun to play on... =)

Silas enjoyed playing until he realized he was wetter and muddier than he really wanted to be...

But undaunted, after a warm bath and thorough scrubbing, he was back in the dirt again--along with Anna, of course!

Friday, July 24, 2009

A Bridal Shower

This week us girls were so blessed to be able to help host and attend a bridal shower for a very dear friend, Naomi, who will begin a new covenant of marriage in just under two months--we look forward to celebrating this joyeous event with Matt and Naomi! Just a couple of pictures...

Wednesday, July 22, 2009

Craftiness =)

I love, love, love to sew. Heirloom sewing, historical costuming, drafting patterns, altering, sewing for myself, teaching others how to sew... I especially love creating unique things that would cost me a fortune to buy elsewhere. Stef and I adored these handbags on Etsy, but not wanting to spend quite so much in purchasing them, I searched for a similar pattern to make some ourselves! At less than 1/2 the price and a little less than 4 1/2 hours of sewing later, this is how they turned out...

You can tell what my favorite colors are, can't you? =)

The buttons on this bag are adorable floral shells from the Philippines

And these buttons were carved from coconut shells

It was a little hard to snap a picture of someone wearing the handbag on their shoulder when I was the only one around to both model and take the picture =)

Viola. These turned out to be super easier to make than I though they'd be! And they're the perfect size for my "survival pack," right Skyler? ; )
Things I might try differently next time: larger buttons, longer or adjustable straps, magnetic fasteners, pleats instead of gathers, something other than florals and stripes.~

Dishcloths! Something us girls have been working on crocheting recently.

Monday, July 20, 2009

Some pictures that I found floating on one of our cameras the other day...

Happy--chubby--just learned to crawl--finally has hair--Shiloh!

I think that all children love to play with cameras, and Savannah is no exception! She just barely captured Silas playing in the tree (one of the boys' favorite pastimes!), but I thought I'd post this picture anyway!

Another of Savannah's pictures--not too bad actually! Our home almost looks small from this perspective. =)

Sunday, July 12, 2009


"...The house of the righteous will stand." Pr. 12:7
Our family had the wonderful opportunity to spend the 4th of July weekend down in Arkansas with the dearest Query family. Only Dad and Skyler had ever met them before, so it was quite the adventure for nearly our entire family to journey down there and spend five days with them! But we sure had fun and we were blessed and encouraged in the Lord by the fellowship of like-minded believers in Christ. We were also able to spend some time with other new and old Arkansas friends while we were down there--the Carsons,
Duggars, and Courvilles.

The ever-gracious and hospitable Query Family...We are grateful for you!

Enjoying the volleyball game (or was it the water fight?) from the sidelines at the 4th of July picnic

Silas and his battle wound...the result of little boys taking dominion over fireworks. ;)
Would you believe that the timid, quiet, little girls were neither timid nor quiet the entire time? =)